Art, music & drama
Visual Arts
We believe that artistic expression has a vital role in life and learning and that all students can find their own particular 'voice' through the arts. The set of skills which belongs to the visual arts enhance learning and personal development.
The school has a designated art room with a kiln. ISA art students excel and their prize-winning work is often exhibited at external venues.
The art curriculum enables students to:
Develop creative and technical skills
Develop aesthetic sensibility and a sense of judgement relating to art
Develop a capacity for imaginative and creative thought
Take risks and experiment
Develop skills of observation
Develop ability to articulate and communicate ideas and feelings
Develop ability to value the work of other artists and respond thoughtfully to art form all cultures and traditions
The visual arts programme allows the students to work using a variety of media and techniques, in 2D and 3D. Skills are developed in drawing, painting, modelling and textile work. Understanding the historical and cultural contexts and developing an appreciation for visual art are important. Technology is used to support learning. Regular trips to local art galleries and events are part of the programme, as is collaboration with local art schools. Photography, film and media projects are supported. Visual Arts is offered as an IB Diploma subject.
Musical performance has always been central to life and learning at ISA and is taught from ELC through to Grade 8. All students have the chance to learn to play an instrument or to join the orchestra.
In the Lower School the emphasis is on music-making (singing, playing, moving to music) while fostering musical appreciation and an awareness of cultural identity and diversity. In Grade 2 all students learn the recorder (Blockflöte). Grade 3 students all learn to play a string instrument (violin, cello, double base).
The focus on music-making continues through the Middle School. Students learn to read and write music and to play a wind instrument (trumpet, trombone, saxophone, clarinet).
The department is well-equipped with instruments: a piano, three digital pianos, Orff-instruments, guitars, drums, class sets of string instruments, wind and percussion instruments.
The school has an extensive Instrumental Programme in which 12 specialist teachers offer lessons in piano, guitar, violin, cello, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, percussion and voice. Students may take part in the Associated Royal Board of Music examinations. (Additional fee)
Musical events play an important part in school life and concerts are a regular occurrence throughout the school year.
Dramatic performance is well established at ISA and the many performances throughout the year, from ELC to Middle School, enrich community life.
Drama lessons focus on the creative process, providing students with a wonderful avenue for creative self-expression and a 'safe place' to experiment and make mistakes. Skills learnt through drama strengthen self-awareness and build confidence.
In the Lower School, story-telling, role-play and drama games are used to support learning. In Grades 6 to 8, Drama is taught as a specialist subject, on a weekly basis. The focus is on developing voice and movement, learning to create, present, reflect and revise work. Students are encouraged to see connections to their own lives and to enduring issues. Performances have become a regular feature at assemblies.
There are numerous opportunities for performance both in school and at external venues. and we are excited about a planned cooperation with the Augsburg Theatre. The annual Middle School musical is performed at a theatre in Ausgburg. Performances to date include: ‘The Wizard of Oz’, ‘Death to the Minotaur’, 'Suessical', 'Charlotte's Web' and 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. Venues include the Maximilian Museum for which ISA students wrote and recorded the English audio guide.
Arts Alive Event
The annual Arts Alive is a popular community event. Students perform and exhibit a selection of their artwork in many media.