We inspire

Families that have long left our school, continue to feel connected. Many tell us that the time spent at ISA made a significant difference in their child's life.
'The 18 months my daughter spent at ISA were the most educational, fulfilling and inspirational years that she has ever had.'  
Karen Erhardt, former parent
Asian Child with Friends

Our Library Media Centre is at the heart of our school

It is the mission of our Library Media Centre -> to promote a love of literature and learning, -> to celebrate cultural diversity, -> to support students and teachers in their work, -> to inspire community members and -> to think, care and take action
Our facilities are bright and modern and all spaces are fully-equipped with technology to support learning. In addition to a computer lab and ten research stations in the library, students have access to almost 100 chrome books, and as many ipads/tablets. Students in Grades 9 to 12 bring their own laptop device. Raspberry Pis and Lego Mindstorms are engaging resources which support students as they learn coding.
Chidrens in front of computers